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Friday, August 1, 2008

Murphy's Law at Work

This summer has been Murphy's Law!
1. I have been pouring money and chemicals into my pool to get it clear the whole summer. What I'd managed to do was create a "Super Algae" ~ so nothing was working. For two weeks the pool was cloudy blue, so we deemed it "swimable". Well one rain later and it was green and NOT turning matter what I did. So I called Tammie, who does this thing for a living, and she helped me out. So last Monday, I poured 12 gallons of liquid chlorine into the pool to kill the super algae. It worked!!! We left the next morning to go to Dallas and Six Flags. We returned late Wednesday night. So Thursday was the first day the whole summer that the water was clear! The girls swam in it ~ no prob ~ B swims with them, and he snags a previous patch job. Well I think he made it worse when he tried to fix it. He got out and the girls continued to swim. Next thing you know, the pool is half empty and the filter is still running. So now I have an empty pool, and all I could think of was the $50 I had just spent washed out into the back yard!

2. The whole point of going to Six Flags was to reward May for reading 600 minutes, and for her earning her free ticket. I was able to get three more free tickets from teachers, etc. So we get to Dallas, and guess what is sitting at home on my desk? May's Six Flags ticket! Isn't it ironic that the person who actually earned their ticket is the one I had to buy when we got there. The stinger is that her ticket was sitting in my car the whole summer (in her EOY paperwork, report card) and I cleaned out the car to pack up for the trip.

3. I have been having trouble getting to my destinations this summer. My blonde factor has really kicked in! One day trying to get to RSC (I had already driven there a hundred times) I by-passed streets 3 times and had to turn around. I'm constantly turning on the wrong streets this summer and having to backtrack or just getting easily confused. Crazy~

1 comment:

JD said...

You crack me the hell up. LOL